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Works of Amos Gazit
Deep Inferno
Horizons #2
Coral Abstract #2
Indigenous vs invasive #2
Invasive Species
Invasion #1
Invasion #2
Invasive Species #4
Invasive Species #6
Smeared #1
Bathroom with tropical view
Pool with turtle artwork
Lounge with seascape artwork
Healthy Food Dining Room
Blue Bedroom
Biography of Amos Gazit

I did not begin as a photographer… I began as a wounded individual (following 3 war injuries) who found solace in the sea.
Soon enough, I discovered that the sea itself was wounded… Ironically, from the same human "qualities" – arrogance, greed, and short-sightedness – that cause wars.
Leaded by my imagination, morals, and creativity... I started the long voyage of conservation, development, and management of tropical marine environment (reefs & shores) - in countries and islands in Southeast Asia and the South Caribbean.
From my journeys and doings in this magical world of reefs, beaches, and its surroundings... and among those who live next and of it - fishermen, scientists, students, tourists... as well as some "vandalizers" - I collected the visions, colors, movements, and sensations - Combined with observing and sensing the process of the disappearance of this magical world and the reasons to it... And the sea`s nature self-healing, overcoming and rehabilitation...
My work is political and didactic - I want people to understand what we stand to lose if we continue to destroy the marine environment or not preventing it.
My works... are telling this story...
Printed on Tempered glass, Canvas, Aluminum and Stones - Then, combined also with natural rocks, it is structured as underwater installments for exhibition, rehabilitation of the marine life and protecting the shore… Presented in exhibitions and galleries… And applied also in interior and outdoor design - furniture, gardens, and pools.
And I do this artwork… while continuing to dedicate my best humble capabilities to conserve and "heal" the wonderful marine environment… or at least to perpetuate it.

Opening hours
Sun-Sun: Open during all shows
Fri: During all shows

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